Waterfront Master Plan

Creating A Waterfront Master Plan (WMP) for Port Stanley

With the acceptance of the Harbour Secondary Plan, the Council for the Municipality of Central Elgin hired thinc Design Consultants to prepare a plan for the future harbour lands in Port Stanley.

Thinc established a process which resulted in a final submission to CE Council on June 13, 2022

You can see the process, complete timeline and progress at 


Some steps that your PSVA Directors and members of the PSVA Harbour Parks Committee have taken related to the Waterfront Master Plan are:

  • We offered to meet with thinc to assist with the process.
  • In response to thinc’s initial three concepts, from March 2022 (shown below), a PSVA survey about those concepts was completed by 135 of the 380 PSVA members.  The results were compiled and sent to thinc, our Councillor, and the Mayor, and to all PSVA Members. 
  • The PSVA prepared a paper after the May public meeting that was sent to the same recipients.

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These three options can be seen more clearly at 


At an April 11 2022 Council meeting, thinc updated Council and presented a fourth option, entitled, Preferred Design Concept, shown below.


You can see this update and the Concept map completely and clearly at

As a follow-up to thinc’s Preferred Design Concept, and our survey results, the PSVA submitted a two page paper to thinc on May 4th 2022.
The paper identifies key values, a vision statement and examples of ways to achieve the values and vision on the community-use sections of the harbour.  This report is attached below in PDF format.

On May 12th 2022 at the Port Stanley Arena, Thinc hosted two public information sessions and presented their overall draft plan for the harbour through a series of presentation panels. Two of these panels are shown below - the draft overall plan and the draft plan for the East Harbour (Berm). More areas (such as Hofhuis Park) can be seen at:


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On June 13, 2022, thinc submitted its final plan to the Council for Central Elgin. This plan was approved. The final plan included cost projections and a long term implementation framework.  You can find the final plan at this link under the Documents library The Port Stanley Waterfront Master Plan | Let’s Talk Central Elgin (letstalkcentralelgin.ca)

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